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Answer`s (6):
Most of the guidelines are written by MD's and they do not want to share the wealth and are (also like several of your answerer's here) basically ignorant of what advanced massage therapy can do. When done in combination with Physical therapy or Chiropractic work massage is covered in many cases. Insurance never intends to see you through full recovery just simply get you well enough so your Dr will say you can work.
A physical therapist and an orthopedic surgeon both told me I could never regain full range of motion after an accident. Thanks to my not giving up and a knowledgeable Massage Therapist I did recover with 100% full range of motion. Holistic health practices should always be part of our recovery but will be at our own expense indefinitely. Massage is like Religion, only ignorance and looking at the wrong places can make either seem bad
A physical therapist and an orthopedic surgeon both told me I could never regain full range of motion after an accident. Thanks to my not giving up and a knowledgeable Massage Therapist I did recover with 100% full range of motion. Holistic health practices should always be part of our recovery but will be at our own expense indefinitely. Massage is like Religion, only ignorance and looking at the wrong places can make either seem bad
Massage Therapy isn't covered because if does not require skilled/licensed personnel to perform this. It can be done in your bedroom by your spouse or by a friend. It's like an over the counter drug to the insurance companies, that says you can get your own.
However, there is an exception to every rule. if you can get your doctor to write that massage therapy is the only definitive treatment for what ails you then the insurance company has to pay it.
However, there is an exception to every rule. if you can get your doctor to write that massage therapy is the only definitive treatment for what ails you then the insurance company has to pay it.
The straight up answer to your question is Money. The insurance companies don't want to spend the cash for your treatments. They are busy creating new drugs to help their own pockets and do not care if you live better or not.
My services are not very expensive so you shouldn't have a problem paying for them out of your own pocket. Some insurance carriers do have a small portion of their customers covered for CAM which is complimentary and alternative medicine. These policies do cover massage but not every month like you should get them.
My services are not very expensive so you shouldn't have a problem paying for them out of your own pocket. Some insurance carriers do have a small portion of their customers covered for CAM which is complimentary and alternative medicine. These policies do cover massage but not every month like you should get them.
It is covered in WA and FL but you have to have an injury or condition that massage can help with.
You just have to keep writing letters to your insurance commissioners office and your insurance company asking for it.
I think that if relaxation massage were covered many diseases and conditions could be reduced.
You just have to keep writing letters to your insurance commissioners office and your insurance company asking for it.
I think that if relaxation massage were covered many diseases and conditions could be reduced.
When a person leaves a prostitute's "office" they feel better too, and medical insurance also won't pay for whores. Not everything that makes you feel better is medicine, and Medical Insurance only pays for doctors, medicine, and other proven treatments.
For the record, I DO feel better when I leave the doctor's office.
For the record, I DO feel better when I leave the doctor's office.
just because you feel better dosn't mean they cured you of illnesses. think about it hows rubbing supposed to remove an infection?
Doctors in Accident, MD
Wellspring Family Medicine in Accident, MD
106 Cemetery Rd, Accident, MD 21520 -
Dornburg, Terry E MD in Accident, MD
Miller S & Ravine, Accident, MD 21520