just recvd some bad news. my sister has a tumor that is covering 80% in her spinal cord. the neuro-surgeon that read her test from the mri and cat-scan said he has only done 1 his entire career and it wasn't even close to this (i live in mobile, al by the way) he called up to UAB (birmingham) and the dr's...
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Answer`s (1):
1. Sheri
Ok first take a deep breath

Surgery on spinal cord tumors have come along way...

Did your doctors say if her tumor is intramedullary or extramedullary?

Intramedullary is inside the spinal cord and extramedullary is on the outside attached to the spinal cord.

Where is her tumor located? Cervical (neck), Thoracic (upper back) or Lumbar (lower back)?

When the doctors did the MRI did they use contrast? Did they show your family the MRI films and point out exactly where the tumor is?


I myself have an intramedullary ependymoma which is malignant.. if interested I would be happy to talk with you at any time and offer as much help and information as possible.

I am also a member of the Spinal Cord Tumor Association for the past 8 years. We have a web site as spinal cord tumors as very rare, only 1 in 1 million people get them. We have all kinds of information including doctors and a forum where you can rant, ask questions and speak to others who have, had or are family members of someone afflicted with a spinal cord tumor.
Here is a link to the web site http://spinalcordtumor.homestead.com/

Feel free to contact me anytime ! I am here for any questions, or just and understanding shoulder to cry on.

There is life before, during and after spinal cord tumors
Doctors in Birmingham, AL