Answer`s (10):
This is the first time in my 48 yrs that Congress has started making "wild guesses" instead of judicial decisions. They want to pass a law that forces people to purchase their insurance whether or not we can afford it. Yet they don't want us to know the limits of our coverage until it passes. How insane and asinine!
They know it is doomed to failure just like all Government run Medicial world wide
.Worldwide Experiments in Socialism
Great Britain
NHS is 'failing patients' despite record funding
Cancer survivor confronts the health secretary on 62-day wait
Culture of targets prevents nurses from tending to patients
Children being failed by health system, says head of watchdog
Stop asking for antibiotics to cure coughs and colds, Government tells patients
Cancer patients ‘betrayed’ by NHS
Women in labour turned away by maternity units
British Healthcare To Be Rationed
Will Socialized Health Care in the US Kill Canadians?
Wait times for surgery, medical treatments at all-time high: report
More than 1,000 orthopedic, gynecological and general surgery patients in Kelowna have been left wondering when their operations will take place
The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
Socialized medicine has meant rationed care and lack of innovation
Pediatricians, parents warn of shortage of community-based care for children
Surgery backlog tops 5,500 at kids' hospitals; One-year waits common
The truth about Canada's ailing health-care system
Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Socialized Health-Care Nightmare
Russia's Health Care Is Crumbling: Dire Lack of Funds Creates Sick, Dwindling Populace And 'National Emergency'
La Lucha: The Human Cost of Economic Repression in Cuba
New Zealand
On the waiting list roller-coaster
Murray Benton has had to wait more than two years for life-saving heart surgery promised by Auckland City Hospital
Surgical waiting lists numbers come under twin attacks
When people are assessed as needing surgery, but do not qualify for an operation within six months they are placed on an active review list
Patients are being forced to wait longer, and get sicker, before they can get on the official waiting list, let alone get the operations they desperately need," Ms Collins said
Public patients wait longer for surgery
Painful wait for care
Operating theatres shut to save cash as thousands wait for surgery
Other European Countries
Hospitals on the verge of a breakdown
Sweden Edges Toward Free-Market Medicine
Netherlands aims to tackle health divide
Socioeconomic inequalities remain similar to those in the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries, despite a sustained effort over 20 years
A Hard Lesson About Socialized Medicine
Europeans are now learning some hard facts of life about socialized medicine: there's no such thing as a free lunch.-
Paying The Price For Drugs In Europe
Whether they admit it or not, those who advocate 'making drugs more affordable for American seniors' are actually headed down a slippery slope to price controls, free-market analysts charge.-
They know it is doomed to failure just like all Government run Medicial world wide
.Worldwide Experiments in Socialism
Great Britain
NHS is 'failing patients' despite record funding
Cancer survivor confronts the health secretary on 62-day wait
Culture of targets prevents nurses from tending to patients
Children being failed by health system, says head of watchdog
Stop asking for antibiotics to cure coughs and colds, Government tells patients
Cancer patients ‘betrayed’ by NHS
Women in labour turned away by maternity units
British Healthcare To Be Rationed
Will Socialized Health Care in the US Kill Canadians?
Wait times for surgery, medical treatments at all-time high: report
More than 1,000 orthopedic, gynecological and general surgery patients in Kelowna have been left wondering when their operations will take place
The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
Socialized medicine has meant rationed care and lack of innovation
Pediatricians, parents warn of shortage of community-based care for children
Surgery backlog tops 5,500 at kids' hospitals; One-year waits common
The truth about Canada's ailing health-care system
Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Socialized Health-Care Nightmare
Russia's Health Care Is Crumbling: Dire Lack of Funds Creates Sick, Dwindling Populace And 'National Emergency'
La Lucha: The Human Cost of Economic Repression in Cuba
New Zealand
On the waiting list roller-coaster
Murray Benton has had to wait more than two years for life-saving heart surgery promised by Auckland City Hospital
Surgical waiting lists numbers come under twin attacks
When people are assessed as needing surgery, but do not qualify for an operation within six months they are placed on an active review list
Patients are being forced to wait longer, and get sicker, before they can get on the official waiting list, let alone get the operations they desperately need," Ms Collins said
Public patients wait longer for surgery
Painful wait for care
Operating theatres shut to save cash as thousands wait for surgery
Other European Countries
Hospitals on the verge of a breakdown
Sweden Edges Toward Free-Market Medicine
Netherlands aims to tackle health divide
Socioeconomic inequalities remain similar to those in the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries, despite a sustained effort over 20 years
A Hard Lesson About Socialized Medicine
Europeans are now learning some hard facts of life about socialized medicine: there's no such thing as a free lunch.-
Paying The Price For Drugs In Europe
Whether they admit it or not, those who advocate 'making drugs more affordable for American seniors' are actually headed down a slippery slope to price controls, free-market analysts charge.-
Raise taxes -- can't mess with a 'winning' equation...
The U.S's Government Health Insurance Stats:
1. Medicare BANKRUPT ~36 Trillion in unfunded liabilities
2. Medicaid BANKRUPT ~35+ Trillion in unfunded liabilities
3. TRICARE - Being reformed
4. VA care - Hit and Miss...horror stories w/ the misses.
5. Medi-Cal - Bankrupt
6. Hawaii's system - Bankrupt
7. Mass.'s system - Bankrupt
0 for 7 -- Impressive.
The U.S's Government Health Insurance Stats:
1. Medicare BANKRUPT ~36 Trillion in unfunded liabilities
2. Medicaid BANKRUPT ~35+ Trillion in unfunded liabilities
3. TRICARE - Being reformed
4. VA care - Hit and Miss...horror stories w/ the misses.
5. Medi-Cal - Bankrupt
6. Hawaii's system - Bankrupt
7. Mass.'s system - Bankrupt
0 for 7 -- Impressive.
it will be utterly catastrophic.
recently, VP Biden admitted 'we got it wrong', he was referring to the economy and the stimulus.
today Obama said 'the cash for clunckers has exceeded our expectations" and the program is already out of money just after four days.
this is an indicator that they simply have no clue what they are doing but determined to do it anyway. obama hasn't taken time to evaluate any aspect of our issues and yet wants immediate passage of programs that no one has actually read.
sheer arrogance and stupidity.
they demanded a deadline on passage, now they are saying that they didn't and blaming it on the media. not good to do to their adoring press who can bring them down.
we cannot afford to get it wrong and hope to survive.
recently, VP Biden admitted 'we got it wrong', he was referring to the economy and the stimulus.
today Obama said 'the cash for clunckers has exceeded our expectations" and the program is already out of money just after four days.
this is an indicator that they simply have no clue what they are doing but determined to do it anyway. obama hasn't taken time to evaluate any aspect of our issues and yet wants immediate passage of programs that no one has actually read.
sheer arrogance and stupidity.
they demanded a deadline on passage, now they are saying that they didn't and blaming it on the media. not good to do to their adoring press who can bring them down.
we cannot afford to get it wrong and hope to survive.
Your children will pay for this mistake for generations to come in so many ways,schools ect...
I know what we have now is not perfect, but you still get to see a doctor if you need to.
Just imagine if you had to wait in line for weeks so you could see a doctor or die waiting...sad but true...ask Canada.
I know what we have now is not perfect, but you still get to see a doctor if you need to.
Just imagine if you had to wait in line for weeks so you could see a doctor or die waiting...sad but true...ask Canada.
I will try another one. I don't care if your and my children have to pay for my choices. I don't think about the consequences of my choices. I am not logical or rational. Just look, I have another stimulus package coming.
We are all screeeewwweeeed. Well, those of us that work, pay taxes, and have health care. The rest, they really have nothing to lose, do they?
IF? Talk about one big CLUSTER. All of you jerks deserve everything you get from this idiot. To bad I have to go down with the ship also.
health care is a misnomer . its INSURANCE coverage . health care is when folks see a doctor and get well . obama proposes getting insurance industry rich .
"0" is not the decider here, the House & the Senate are.
No charge for the lesson.
No charge for the lesson.
Then we're totally screwed