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Answer`s (10):
1. The Roast Of The GOP
If we cut off republicans for bailout assistance, how would their "pure capitalism" work so well?
2. BekindtoAnimals22
The Obama administration has been in charge and the situation has only worsened. Why am I not surprised. The drug cartels are now invading El Paso. They have put up bill boards threatening police and business owners. That is how it started in Mexico and in a five year time span, 25,000 people were killed and it continues. Why does that not surprise me either? Obama is destroying everything about this country. Absolutely everything.
3. Summertime
Yes. They should have to go through what our fighting men and women have. Its unfair practice.
4. smsmith500
The only people that have taken health care away from our vets are liberal democrats, the 40 dead vets under VA care show us that.
The republican house passed over 18 VA reform bills to address the problems with the VA, all were tabled by harry Reid and his democrats in the senate. So it looks like its the democrats that have nothing but contempt for soldiers.
The Democrats love the poor and unemployed, they have created so many.
5. Victor
What do you mean attempted?
The have deprive our veterans the health care, by not passing the Sanders Bill.
6. ?
Turn off CNN and MSNBC, it's melted your brain down to that of a starfish.

FYI - starfish don't have brains. You two have a lot in common! :)
7. Roadrunner
That's all BS
8. Edgar
I think the Democrat Party has that job pretty well handled by now, don't you, "liberal"? Ya, shure ya doo.
9. Big Sean
The point is, the Republicans aren't in charge, are they???
10. GOPTurdBlossom
Doctors in Alexander, AR