Hello, I am 27 male, Living in VA Arlington. Since I have to get health insurance by March 31 2014. I am wondering if the private healthcare plans are better a compared to https://www.healthcare.gov I dont go to the doc often but I am a asthma patient, I want my premium to be minimal but if I go to the doc then I...
Answer`s (2):
1. Zarnev
If you qualify for the subsidy you must use the government website to receive that subsidy. The plans on the website ≡ARE≡ private healthcare plans and in most areas are the same as the plans off of the website with the exception of much smaller doctor networks. In very few areas are there companies that have plans offered on the website but not off of the website.

If you don't qualify for the subsidy you won't use it the website.

Contact an agent that works with the major companies in your area. The agent can help you apply for the subsidy if you qualify. They can help you choose the best plan for your situation and budget no matter if you qualify or not. There is no charge using an agent.

You will be subject to the tax penalty if you go without insurance for more than three months. The open enrollment period runs through March 31. If you sign up by March 15 the policy will be effective April 1 and you'll avoid the tax penalty. If you sign up between March 16 and March 31 the policy will be effective May 1, which will be longer than 3 months and you'll be paying the tax penalty.
2. DON W
The best option is if you have a job where the office provides health insurance coverage, typically through one or a small number of insurance companies.

If that isn't possible, then take a look at the healthcare.gov website and see what they are offering. Then take a look at the websites for companies such as Kaiser Permanente and UnitedHealth Care and see how they compare.

Since you have a pre-existing condition (the asthma), you may find that the healthcare.gov website is your best option, since they are required by law to accept everyone.