I'm 16 and just started taking care of my skin, I stopped wearing make-up and never knew how important it was to care for your skin until now. But I also know caring on the outside is one thing, but health inside impacts. I only drink water, no coffee, or any other drink. But have considered drinking...
Answer`s (4):
1. basanta
It's good that you are taking care for your skin.
Green tea is really nice for skin. You can try out the green tea and honey and see.
The coconut water also helps to take care of the skin. You can try any of the two options but choose one which suits you best.
You can also try to do some facials time to time. I believe there are many facials nearby you leave.
If you live in Texas there are many facials in Allen, Texas. In short facials Allen Tx.
2. Aimee
Chinese tea is meant to be really good for you.
You can get tea that can make you loose weight and good for your skin.
Have a look, hope that helps :)
3. Preeti
Green tea is the best option..
4. Claudie
honey facial masks are the best!! I use this honey facial mask recipe

you wont regret it!!! :)
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