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Answer`s (5):
For your skin it sounds to me that you should have been referred to a consultant dermatologist a long time ago. You should ask your GP to refer you and to make the referral 'urgent' as then you will get an appointment quicker.
You should probably make a complaint, but I warn you that they can take some time. http://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsa...
Meanwhile, have you tried considering changing GPs? Either the actual doctor or the surgery you go to. As a patient, as part of the NHS you have the right to be able to register to any doctor, even one that is not in your area, should you will to see someone else.
I'm very sorry that you have had to suffer so much. I hope that this helps you.
You should probably make a complaint, but I warn you that they can take some time. http://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsa...
Meanwhile, have you tried considering changing GPs? Either the actual doctor or the surgery you go to. As a patient, as part of the NHS you have the right to be able to register to any doctor, even one that is not in your area, should you will to see someone else.
I'm very sorry that you have had to suffer so much. I hope that this helps you.
I'm amazed at the service you have experieced as dermatologists are usually very dedicated to helping their eczema patients. Apart from topical creams and tablets, there is something which they could have tried with you and that's therapeutic clothing. It's called Dermasilk and is approved for use on prescription under the NHS and used by dermatologists. It eliminates the severe itching and redness, keeps the skin at the right temperature and humidity so you don't get the weeping sores. It also has an antimicrobial bonded to the silk so it combats any secondary infections resulting from scrathing. It has been shown to redcue the need for steroids and emollients, and the real benefit is that it remains fully effective despite repeated washing. You can get it on the NHS, but if you get no joy from your GP or dermatologist, you can buy it directly from their website
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I have multiple problems with my health-I have SEVERE SEVERE atopic eczema, at least 10 food allergies of which most cause anaphalaxis, SEVERE asthma at one point causing weekly attacks.
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Embittered by the healthcare I got?(or lack of)by NHS?
I have multiple problems with my health-I have SEVERE SEVERE atopic eczema, at least 10 food allergies of which most cause anaphalaxis, SEVERE asthma at one point causing weekly attacks.
But my GP has been useless, he has 2ce missed a severe skin infection to which my whole body started eating...
For the eczema i'll recommend a British product Salcura Dermaspray, either the Gentle version or Intensive. Salcura offers a free sample pack (pay for shipping) or they offer a money back guarantee if it doesn't work in 30 days.
Salcura Gentle is what we used on our baby, it was 10 times more effective then everything else we tried. Whether you'll have the same results, I don't know but for him it was near miraculous.
Salcura Gentle is what we used on our baby, it was 10 times more effective then everything else we tried. Whether you'll have the same results, I don't know but for him it was near miraculous.
problems from diabetes? Avoid sugar.