240 hour internship at any type of healthcare facility including the financial side. Can be paid or unpaid.
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Answer`s (3):
1. Rhonda
I suggest you speak with your college's Career Services counselor as they may have the info you seek. The college I attended posted notices on a bulletin board, had notebooks labeled by career, and wonderful counselors to answer questions. Also, you if can get hold of a phone book for Long Beach, CA (check with the phone company), you will find all sorts of listings of places you can call and ask. And lastly, try doing a search on the internet or network with your professional contacts (if you do not belong to a professional group yet, become a member STAT!). Best wishes and good luck.
2. perdie15
Go to the HR offices of your local hositals. They will have all of the open positions and should be able to tell you what the rules are regarding internships in a healthcare setting and if there are any "hoops" you'll have to jump before even getting started.
Ever hear of GOOGLE? USE IT.
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