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Answer`s (3):
your doctor usually decides the hospital based on the staff and the midwives they have, usually the closest in your area but you can bring it up if there is a certain hospital you want to use, if they say its not possible maybe change doctors who will allow you to give birth in the hospital of your choice. you can get private scans to find out the sex of baby if thats what you want, 3d scans etc. and im sure there will be some midwives who are qualified for water births, its not that different from a normal natral birth just in water so i doubt theyd refuse it to you. maybe consider a home birth instead ad give birth in your bath if you arnet happy with the care the hospitals provide.
I am in UK too (yorkshire), when I had my second baby i was told i could chose the hospital i wanted in the region, i had to make a decision by 30 weeks though, so my midwife could sort out the notes... good luck with getting the hospital of your choice.
usually you are assigned to the hospital that is closest to you i know that i am anyway and im from the UK as well