i was on ssi. i was cut off for a technicality. i didnot get a letter to respond to a exam.. i was told to do a contest. i did. that was june. they lost files made me come in again. between my ssi was cut off after i was made to come in twice to refile. . they told me my benefits would be extended. instead they...
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Answer`s (6):
1. Brian G
No. Federal agencies are not liable for the incompetent administration of their bloated bureaucracies.
Marginal performance is not only tolerated, it is encouraged.

It will be ever so much better when they gain total control over the health care system.
2. Flower
I know mistakes happen when you have no permanent address. You should look for a homeless advocate. Do a search online for a "homeless advocate" in your city. I am sorry you were traumatized. Perhaps you can go to a low income clinic or free clinic and get medication. Where do you have internet usage? I know sometimes we get paralyzed and cannot move forward or even do daily ordinary functions but it can change. You can appeal your SSI decision. You can. If you can find it, go to Legal Aid for help with that or go directly to the welfare office and tell them you request a hearing on their decision to cut off SSI.

Dont think about the past 35 years. Think about what is ahead and mainly in the present. If you are older, do you think you could work? If not, I still think you can come back to life when you are in the right niche. No, you cant sue the Social Security Admin. It would take too long, just go there and ask for a hearing. You can go to a shelter and get a shower and some clean clothes.
3. Jan
A street person with internet access?
No,you cannot sue them.
4. joemoser1948
If you're going to impose all these stupid stories on us, the least you could do is learn to write halfway-decent English.
5. TedEx
SSI is a government program.

And you put all your faith and trust in the Government??
6. Bush still better than Obama
If it cost you your life, you must be dead. Stop posting, you are scaring the kids.