My wife and i have decided to relocate to anchorage to be closer to family and the outdoors. Upon arrival we will be renting in anchorage, and i need to find out what jobs are available. Im 20, in good health and am willing and able to do any kind of work so the industry doesnt matter. Is there jobs in and around...
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Answer`s (1):
1. dewclaw
Jobs are tight everywhere, but if your willing to work at whatever until you find what you really want I bet you will find something. And if you come in summer there are extra jobs in construction and tourism.

I would start by checking the Anchorage Daily News online classifieds, here is your best bet for finding a 'whatever as long as it pays' job.
And the paper will actually give you some insight into Anchorage life as well.

And I would also spend some time looking at the State of Alaska job site. It has listings for jobs statewide, and the state and government jobs are listed there. As well as resources for job seekers and training opportunities
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