My friend is pregnant and she's 14 she doesn't want to tell her parents yet so she can't have her parents permission . are there any free clinics without parents permission and that are free NO ABORTION CLINICS PLEASE
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Answer`s (2):
1. Betsy
There is a Planned Parenthood clinic in Anaheim.
2. Libraryanna
She obviously has to tell her parents. She is also the victim of a crime and the baby is proof of who the criminal is. They will have to report it to the police.

Planned Parenthood is not just about abortions, They can do an examination, confirm the pregnancy, and refer your friend. You can also call 211 for a referral. (That's a government run number for local services -government and otherwise. It's anonymous)

I would avoid religious clinics because some of them will rant at her for having had sex and they might pressure her into adoption (although that may be her best option).

California does have a free pregnancy care program, including paying the bills. See the link below.

She can also try UC Irvine Medical Center, near the Orange Crush (in Orange). They have a clinic in Anaheim: 300 W. Carl Karcher Way; Anaheim, CA - 92801
(714) 774-9804
Doctors in Anaheim, CA