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Answer`s (11):
comb your hair from left to right.
He was closer to perfection than we are today. Rom 5:12,18. He became imperfect but we today are so far from perfection that we die left and right.
Also consider that in God's eyes he didn't even live one day. 2 Peter 3:8
Had to add this too. Gen 6:3 is not talking about the life span of those after the flood because even Noah lived on many years after the flood and so did others. This is a warning from God that those on the earth had 120 years before the flood came to repent.
Also consider that in God's eyes he didn't even live one day. 2 Peter 3:8
Had to add this too. Gen 6:3 is not talking about the life span of those after the flood because even Noah lived on many years after the flood and so did others. This is a warning from God that those on the earth had 120 years before the flood came to repent.
Much higher oxygen content in the air helped... O3 baths have a great healing properties, quality food helped too... wheat found in the pyramids has 4000 times the nutritional content of the stuff we eat..
Until Adam & Eve disobeyed God, there was no such thing as sickness, death, murder, or hunger. They were the perfect Human beings. Through their sin we as their descendants became sinful & imperfect. Therefore laying us open for sickness, greed, & all other of Humanities weaknesses.
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For other uses, see Farmville.
Developer(s) Zynga
Platform(s) Internet
Release date(s) June 19, 2009[1]
Genre(s) Simulation, RPG
FarmVille is a real-time farm simulation game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook. The game allows members of Facebook to manage a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, trees, and livestock.[2] Since its launch in June 2009,[3] FarmVille has become the most popular game application on Facebook with 63.7 million active users on November 9th, 2009.[4] FarmVille started as a duplicate of the popular Farm Town on Facebook.[5]
Contents [hide]
1 Gameplay
1.1 Neighbors and Gifting
1.2 Seeds
1.3 Trees
1.4 Animals
1.5 Roaming animals
1.6 Buildings
1.7 Decorations
1.8 Vehicles
1.9 Ribbons
2 Controversy
3 References
4 External links
On beginning a farm, the player first creates a customizable avatar.[6] There are six plots of land, four which are in the process of growing, and two (eggplant and strawberries) which are fully grown.
The game is based around the market, where items can be purchased: seeds, trees, animals, buildings, decorations, vehicles, and more land using "coins," the generic money of Farmville which is earned by selling crops, or "cash" which the player earns at a rate of one dollar per experience level. A player can also choose to buy Farmville coins or cash from Zynga or get free bonuses by completing an offer from an advertiser. The player plants seeds,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Farmville.
Developer(s) Zynga
Platform(s) Internet
Release date(s) June 19, 2009[1]
Genre(s) Simulation, RPG
FarmVille is a real-time farm simulation game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook. The game allows members of Facebook to manage a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, trees, and livestock.[2] Since its launch in June 2009,[3] FarmVille has become the most popular game application on Facebook with 63.7 million active users on November 9th, 2009.[4] FarmVille started as a duplicate of the popular Farm Town on Facebook.[5]
Contents [hide]
1 Gameplay
1.1 Neighbors and Gifting
1.2 Seeds
1.3 Trees
1.4 Animals
1.5 Roaming animals
1.6 Buildings
1.7 Decorations
1.8 Vehicles
1.9 Ribbons
2 Controversy
3 References
4 External links
On beginning a farm, the player first creates a customizable avatar.[6] There are six plots of land, four which are in the process of growing, and two (eggplant and strawberries) which are fully grown.
The game is based around the market, where items can be purchased: seeds, trees, animals, buildings, decorations, vehicles, and more land using "coins," the generic money of Farmville which is earned by selling crops, or "cash" which the player earns at a rate of one dollar per experience level. A player can also choose to buy Farmville coins or cash from Zynga or get free bonuses by completing an offer from an advertiser. The player plants seeds,
scientific adam was hunter gatherer... lotsa meat and active lifestyle... no grains and no sugar
try the caveman diet it wont get you to 930 years but itll definately make you healthier than the average person who gets 60% of their caloric intake from grains
try the caveman diet it wont get you to 930 years but itll definately make you healthier than the average person who gets 60% of their caloric intake from grains
god shortened our life in genesis 6:3
'and the lord said ."my spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
we usually die before 120, proberlly as we eat alot of junk etc, but if were healty we'd proberlly last 120 years not going to last as long as adam but there you have it.
'and the lord said ."my spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
we usually die before 120, proberlly as we eat alot of junk etc, but if were healty we'd proberlly last 120 years not going to last as long as adam but there you have it.
Lots of fresh fruit - straight from the tree.
"Wow Dad! That means Adam lived 1/6th of the entire length of Earth's history!"
"That's right, son."
"That's right, son."
Forbidden fruit
The fruit extended his life.