Relevant question
- I paid for my hospital bills couple weeks ago but when i checked my bank account it hasnt been processed yet ?
- Please suggest me,healthcare insurance plan in India for my mother(age60) and father(75) for reasonable price?
- Hi i am 28 years old i have got a job in manipal hospital bangalore, could someone suggest me a cheap but good?
Answer`s (5):
I think if you like this country and your freedom you all better start paying more attention to what this is all leading to for Americans and our country's future.
Please think beyond receiving health care. It seriously adds up to sooo much more. Socialism is NOT what this country is about........freedom should NOT be sold soooo easily. The more our Government gets involved in our way of life the less freedom and choices we will have. Your probably too young to understand the true meaning of this yet but I hope you will try to be informed.
Please think beyond receiving health care. It seriously adds up to sooo much more. Socialism is NOT what this country is about........freedom should NOT be sold soooo easily. The more our Government gets involved in our way of life the less freedom and choices we will have. Your probably too young to understand the true meaning of this yet but I hope you will try to be informed.
I totally agree with Stratus (sp?) I do not and don't need MORE Government in my life I don't need to be told who, what, when, where, how etc... Especially by a bunch of crooks, liars, thieves, from Chi-town ... Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off to no end what is happening to our country! Keep your Universal Health Plan Mr O I don't want it .
I think it is a great plan. Maybe if the government is paying the health bills, they will finally pay attention to the ever increasing cost. This is suppose to be, in fact this is the greatest country on the planet, why not we show it by taking good care of its people.
It will never happen.. You heard it here first.. Obama is all talk..
universal would be good...ofcourse the Universe as I know it, covers more than just US!