I regular doctor is actually a nurse practitioner. So, now I need to find an OBGYN. Is it better to find one near my home or my office? Also, is it better to choose a hospital for delivery near my home or near my office? Thanks for your pointers. Any additional advice you have on finding an OBGYN is...
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Answer`s (1):
1. janna w
Not all hospitals have a pediatric unit. Our hospitals here in AZ in Mesa there is a large hospital Banner Baywood Medical Center that has labor and delivery but no peds. 30 minutes away there is Banner Desert Medical Center that has labor, delivery, and peds. Make sure the hospital has a peds department and niccu separate from labor and delivery. That way if there is a complication with the baby the hospital will be equipped to handle it. Most people assume that if you go to the hospital you will be taken care of, sadly that is not always the case. Do your research, choose a hospital that is able to give the best care to both you and your baby and then choose an OBGYN that goes to that particular hospital.
Doctors in Mesa, AZ