My friend is very unstable right now and i fear he may be suffering from dissociative identity disorder but as i am not a licensed psychologist i can only guess at this.If anyone knows a place or center that provides free counseling or therapy or psych evaluations near anaheim ca that would be much appreciated....
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Answer`s (2):
1. ChiMom
I can't imagine there is any place that provides 'free' therapy.
Is your friend in school or employed? Both with schools and jobs, there is usually some type of counseling service. With working, there should be insurance too--which would help pay for a psychiatrist.
If your friend is willing--take him to an emergency room. They have intake psych workers/social workers who could get him evaluated.
2. Level 18
theres usually in the phone book a community services section for mental health with free nurse assessments but if he wont go voluntarily theres nothing you can do unless he ends up getting arrested

the nurses asses to see if they should get care and they do the insurance paper work for you

councelling and therapy isnt covered if he tries to kill himself and needs to be forced on meds the bill still goes to someone
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