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Answer`s (3):
Exeter Kidney Unit (Wonford)
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Rd.
Phone(+44) 1392 4025 19
Fax(+44) 1392 4025 27
Newton Abbot Hospital, East Street, Newton Abbot
Phone(+44) 162654321
Checkout other units here:
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Rd.
Phone(+44) 1392 4025 19
Fax(+44) 1392 4025 27
Newton Abbot Hospital, East Street, Newton Abbot
Phone(+44) 162654321
Checkout other units here:
You need to contact your renal nurse at your hospital, they have a department that deals with holidays etc. My hospital did, I did my own dialysis at night so i contacted the hospital who ordered my supplies and i took my machine with me to Wales and Spain. Speak to you renal nurse who will be able to give you the details of the nearest dialysis centre or the department at your hospital that deals with holidays for kidneys patients. Good luck and hope you have a great time.
Torbay hospital and derriford hospital are the two main ones in south devon which do everything. Sorry don't no the contact numbers though. Look them up on google or something,