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Answer`s (2):
There has been a problem of fruit flies in Pasadena, that may have had something to do about it. Fruit flies are a huge threat to the agricultural industry, that's why they check for fruit when you come over the border and also why they put traps in the trees in Pasadena. One person can cause a disaster, think about the fires. A permanent infestation is estimated to cause up to 2 billion $ a year in losses in one of CA's biggest industries. Right now there is a quarantine in an area of San Diego due to Medflies being found. So no, not overkill.
Hey, at least someone is out there trying to protect the public. Pasadena is actually good to those who may not be legal, there are job placement organizations, health clinics, student services.
Hey, at least someone is out there trying to protect the public. Pasadena is actually good to those who may not be legal, there are job placement organizations, health clinics, student services.
Pənny Proud
Seems like they'd need to test his food and inspect his cart for proof that it was unsafe before taking it away. That does sound excessive; A waste of taxpayers money to pay that many people to work such a small case.
Doctors in Pasadena, CA
Bartley Isaac MD in Pasadena, CA
2750 E Washington Blvd, STE 330, Pasadena, CA 91107 -
Kenneth R. Sabbag, MD in Pasadena, CA
800 S Raymond Ave Pasadena,CA 91105, Pasadena, CA 91105