Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!!
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Answer`s (6):
1. jamie
It is nearly impossible to get health insurance to cover a pregnancy unless you have that health insurance long before that pregnancy begins. I would suggest applying for medicaid and calling your local health department. They may have a sliding scale option for you to recieve prenatal care. Call them as soon as possible. If you don't currently qualify for medicaid, you can always reapply later if your income changes.
Good luck
2. Hillery
Get and compare quotes from different companies at http://HELP.QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET/-ur...

RE Health Insurance for expecting baby?

Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!!
3. PaulaGrace
I recommend you this site to get quotes - COVERCOMPARE.INFO-

RE Health Insurance for expecting baby?

Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!!
4. Shelley
You can easily get and compare quotes from different companies at: INSTANT-INSURANCE.NET
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Compare insuran ce quotes
6. Carlie
Get a job.

Quit expecting the people who work for a living to pay for your crap.

Grow up.
Doctors in Louisville, KY