Answer`s (10):
If they read a summary of the Health Care Act and saw the provisions they probably would not want to get rid of it. Especially where chronically ill children are not turned down any more. Isn't that the humane path to follow? They are charging an arm and a leg for insurance now to make up for having to cover people that were previously rejected. I think they make a huge profit even without raising rates. The price-gouging should be taken up by State Insurance Commissions.
The insurance mandate of 2014 is the sticking point even though it is for the good of everyone to buy insurance and get a tax credit, I think if this law stays, it should also eliminate the federal law that requires every uninsured person to be treated in an ER at no charge. You will see how quickly people will buy insurance from the exchanges. Up to $88,000 for family of 4 it is a good deal.
The insurance mandate of 2014 is the sticking point even though it is for the good of everyone to buy insurance and get a tax credit, I think if this law stays, it should also eliminate the federal law that requires every uninsured person to be treated in an ER at no charge. You will see how quickly people will buy insurance from the exchanges. Up to $88,000 for family of 4 it is a good deal.
I don't know.
I know that as a Democrat any move toward Socialism is away from Freedom, and I utterly oppose that.
We've had enough Socialism, in any form, in any degree, to last several lifetimes and we are SO tired of it.
Enough. End it. Do it without the Socialism and we'll talk.
Until then, Socialism is SO over.
I know that as a Democrat any move toward Socialism is away from Freedom, and I utterly oppose that.
We've had enough Socialism, in any form, in any degree, to last several lifetimes and we are SO tired of it.
Enough. End it. Do it without the Socialism and we'll talk.
Until then, Socialism is SO over.
Not anybody I know. According to the polls most want the rich to pay more in tax but Republicans are ignoring them. I'm not sure of polls re: the other issues but most people I talk to want to expand the health care law and don't want SS privatized under any circumstances.
I could not find a single poll where a majority supported repealing either the whole healthcare reform act, or even repealing parts. Nor are there any favoring the Republican's plans on Medicare
But it is easy to find polls showing significant majorities in favor of rasing taxes on the rich
But it is easy to find polls showing significant majorities in favor of rasing taxes on the rich
Yes to the health care bill
Medicare is already privatized its call AARP
no one has passed any tax cuts yet as a matter of fact they have not even extended the bush tax cut.
Medicare is already privatized its call AARP
no one has passed any tax cuts yet as a matter of fact they have not even extended the bush tax cut.
Pretty much, yes.
Tax cuts for everyone, not just the rich.
Tax cuts for everyone, not just the rich.
Yes,,,a great way to getting the economy back.
Just because you don't understand something does not make it a bad option.
Just because you don't understand something does not make it a bad option.
People on the left NO people on the right only want all that as long as it don't affect them
I'm guessing ... no?
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