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Answer`s (1):
To be honest with you, I think you would be better off doing things at home with a doctor. If I could do it all over again that is how I would have done it. In a psychiatric hospital you are under lock and key constantly. You are isolated in a distinct area and you are there to stay until the big cheese (doctor) says you can leave. Some people act as if they have no problems and then they give advice about being sane.
That's a little on the weird side don't you think? I had some big black guy try to shove his hand down my pants in a psychiatric unit and all they did was move me to another unit. Not to mention that they laughed at me and grinned when I was trying to be serious and tell them about it. People make me sick and for this I would say you're much better off staying at home and working it out there!
Say goodbye to cable television, nice baths, going outside, your own food, safety, and your family. Also, get ready to have pills shoved down your throat that you don't really need. Get prepared to feel all the side effect from the medication they give you. They gave me Geodon which made me not be able to see things far away, and they got me addicted to Ativan. I hate psychiatric units and those people that run them have a very special place in hell just for them.
That's a little on the weird side don't you think? I had some big black guy try to shove his hand down my pants in a psychiatric unit and all they did was move me to another unit. Not to mention that they laughed at me and grinned when I was trying to be serious and tell them about it. People make me sick and for this I would say you're much better off staying at home and working it out there!
Say goodbye to cable television, nice baths, going outside, your own food, safety, and your family. Also, get ready to have pills shoved down your throat that you don't really need. Get prepared to feel all the side effect from the medication they give you. They gave me Geodon which made me not be able to see things far away, and they got me addicted to Ativan. I hate psychiatric units and those people that run them have a very special place in hell just for them.