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Answer`s (9):
She may have got sick from the bus ride, but Gray hound doesn't let people smoke or drink on the bus. So next time she should go Gray hound.
No, I don't think that traveling on a bus is inherently unhealthy.
When my son was under six weeks, our pediatrician advised that we avoid mass transit and other crowded places because he was particularly susceptible to germs, and that a fever in such a small infant could be cause for serious concern.
But kids are, in general, more prone to picking up every little thing out there. And the recycled air in buses, trains and airplanes isn't the most fabulous thing - it's why people take those uber-doses of Vitamin C before flying.
Factor in that the food available on long bus trips tends towards the fried and processed, and little wonder that no one feels their best after a long trip.
When my son was under six weeks, our pediatrician advised that we avoid mass transit and other crowded places because he was particularly susceptible to germs, and that a fever in such a small infant could be cause for serious concern.
But kids are, in general, more prone to picking up every little thing out there. And the recycled air in buses, trains and airplanes isn't the most fabulous thing - it's why people take those uber-doses of Vitamin C before flying.
Factor in that the food available on long bus trips tends towards the fried and processed, and little wonder that no one feels their best after a long trip.
My partner and I travelled by bus many times for the first 8 years of our relationship, most of those times with at least one baby. You are not allowed to smoke on buses in Australia, and while yes, it was cold especially on buses at night, none of our children got sick from the travelling.
We would travel interstate, about 13 hours minimum on the bus, and on a few occasions we had our premmie son with us. His immune system was much lower than most other children's but he was fine.
It's not the actual bus travel that is unhealthy, it's the exposure to germs and viruses. The 13 month old baby you're talking about could have been exposed to the virus that caused her cold ANYWHERE. Cold by itself doesn't cause viral infections.
We would travel interstate, about 13 hours minimum on the bus, and on a few occasions we had our premmie son with us. His immune system was much lower than most other children's but he was fine.
It's not the actual bus travel that is unhealthy, it's the exposure to germs and viruses. The 13 month old baby you're talking about could have been exposed to the virus that caused her cold ANYWHERE. Cold by itself doesn't cause viral infections.
You shouldn't take a baby into any place where there is cigarette smoke, that's just common sense.
However as to the temperature you dress the baby accordingly. If she were outside I am sure it would have been even colder. That's not a big deal.
Besides if your friend doesn't have a car what do you expect her to do?
Where do you live that they allow smoking on a bus?
However as to the temperature you dress the baby accordingly. If she were outside I am sure it would have been even colder. That's not a big deal.
Besides if your friend doesn't have a car what do you expect her to do?
Where do you live that they allow smoking on a bus?
Well I took a bus a few years ago when my daughter was 3 and you weren't allowed to smoke on it, and nothing bad happend to her.
Travelling on public transport in the UK is detrimental to an adults health. You are in close proximity to all sorts of bacteria.
yeah id believe that...my baby just gave us all gastro from chewing on the tops of the train seats, i didnt realise he had done this but before i could stop him it was too late. Well at least i think thats where he caught it from.....
I have traveled on the bus but would not travel with a child on the bus.........I hated the bus!!
I believe so..............but ...what can you do............it is life.........and we have to adapt to its ins and outs.
At least humanbeing has the capacity to adapt to any change and have also the immunity against the side effect of this change.
our salutes
At least humanbeing has the capacity to adapt to any change and have also the immunity against the side effect of this change.
our salutes
Doctors in Columbus, GA
Uche, Chidi U MD in Columbus, GA
1800 10th Ave, Columbus, GA 31901 -
Blalock, Jack H Jr MD FACE in Columbus, GA
2300 Manchester Expy, Columbus, GA 31904