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Answer`s (1):
The one thing that can give an orange color to urine like you describe would be bilirubin- which of course you would not want to see in urine at all. That indicates a liver and kidney problem. The cloudiness could represent the protein being lost from the kidneys, but it would take lab analysis to say if this is protein, calcium or a massive infection. Providing that she hasn't taken any medications known to cause urine color changes, the orange color isn't a real good thing to see. Neither is the excessive cloudiness or the history of hypoalbuminemia, really. Since your patient was pregnant, it could also be that she has gallstones which have blocked the hepatic ducts. This is definitely one for the doctor to sort out.
Edit - I have seen both color and clouds in foley bags and collected UA's before, but it's never been a good sign to be honest with you. It's always been in cases of terminal cirrhosis or liver CA. The only way to know for sure what was up would be to actually have done a culure and analysis of the urine at the time- and I'm assuming that wasn't done?? Shame, if it wasn't. I had to go back to review your previous questions, to refresh my memory. Did you ever get to a specialist in auto-immune diseases? I'm still inclined to think it was the pregnancy that set matters off, and because that is rare you may well have trouble finding a definitive answer. The stress on the liver and kidneys might have caused them to filter out too much albumin- and that would look cloudy in urine. But without the lab, there's no way to know. Sorry I can't offer any more than before- this one is still way out on the edges of my knowledge library. The only other thing I can think of is autoimmune hepatitis, and that's another one on the edge of things for me. But it's another idea to research maybe. Good luck dear, hope you find an answer.
Edit - I have seen both color and clouds in foley bags and collected UA's before, but it's never been a good sign to be honest with you. It's always been in cases of terminal cirrhosis or liver CA. The only way to know for sure what was up would be to actually have done a culure and analysis of the urine at the time- and I'm assuming that wasn't done?? Shame, if it wasn't. I had to go back to review your previous questions, to refresh my memory. Did you ever get to a specialist in auto-immune diseases? I'm still inclined to think it was the pregnancy that set matters off, and because that is rare you may well have trouble finding a definitive answer. The stress on the liver and kidneys might have caused them to filter out too much albumin- and that would look cloudy in urine. But without the lab, there's no way to know. Sorry I can't offer any more than before- this one is still way out on the edges of my knowledge library. The only other thing I can think of is autoimmune hepatitis, and that's another one on the edge of things for me. But it's another idea to research maybe. Good luck dear, hope you find an answer.
Doctors in Orange, CA
Pacific Urgent Care & Family Medicine in Orange, CA
2115 N Tustin St, Orange, CA 92865 -
Zhang, Kathy Y MD in Orange, CA
101 The City Dr S, Orange, CA 92868