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Answer`s (4):
Without a doubt. One of the largest drug companies just got busted this week for paying doctors kick backs. Also one of my best friends is a drug rep. for Abbot labs and she confirmed that fact.
Drug reps do bring doctors all sorts of free samples and various paraphernalia (tissues, clocks, pens, etc) advertising their name brand drugs. But, the bottom line with bipolar disorder is that we need to remain on medication and going off of meds is never recommended for bipolar patients (with the possible exception of during pregnancy). That has nothing to do with the drug companies and everything to do with the nature of the disorder. Most doctors I have seen select meds based on the patients symptoms and needs, not on the ads printed on the promo pens in their office. And often times generic medications are prescribed, which is not something you see advertising for.
if you think that the doctor is trying to push drugs on your sister, you have the right to get a second opinion. do some research before you pick the doctor that you get your second opinion from.
I wish they were in bed with condom companies.. I think I'm pregnant.
Bipolar is a tough one ..she shouldn't cut back meds unsupervised..but ultimately it is her choice.So maybe a new doctor is in order.
Good luck
Bipolar is a tough one ..she shouldn't cut back meds unsupervised..but ultimately it is her choice.So maybe a new doctor is in order.
Good luck