July 30, 2007 Dear Sir, How are you? Person in question is Doctor, from Cincinnati whom may, be in your Hospital? What is his name again? Include what condition is, he now? Am curious. Since did not read, all information myself. ...
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Answer`s (6):
1. Cin Reaper
This is one of the finest, state-of-the-art facilities in the world. There is never a charge for services.
Families of patients can stay free or very cheaply at the Ronald McDonald house next door---brand new building.
There's alot of love and care here.
2. potatochip
The Shriners Hospital is pretty well-known and well respected throughout the world. I know of one of the patients who is currently there is from China. He has severe burns on his face and has to undergo numerous surgeries.
3. jettrn
Shriners Hospital is wonderful. Excellent care and the doctors and nurses really like it there! Check out their web site.
4. eldoradodave
WORLD RENOWNED FOR ITS CARE!!!! Patients are flown in from all around the world to come here to the Shriners' Burns Institute for help and there is never a charge
5. Jay N
Shriners is ranked high on its patient care.

As for your letter, i'm not sure I understand.
6. paulcondo
my sister live in SinSinnati (just having a little fun) at a different hospital she say that it state of the art
Doctors in Cincinnati, OH