Wills Eye Retina Service unit provides treatment options for retina and vitreous problems. It treats more than 4,500 patients every year. The unit offers various evaluations and diagnosis tests, including fluorescein angiography, photodynamic therapy and transpupillary thermotherapy. Wills Eye Retina Service unit is a part of Wills Eye, which was established in 1932. Wills Eye is a nonprofit specialty institution that is located in Philadelphia. It provides treatment and care services for common eye problems as well as rare sight-threatening diseases. Its Cornea Service center is one of the leading centers for corneal transplants and the treatment of corneal diseases and conditions in Pennsylvania. Wills Eye also offers drug therapies and laser and surgical techniques for glaucoma patients. Doctors in Philadelphia, PA
Ophthalmology in Philadelphia, PA
Contact information
Address: 840 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Relevant MD
Retina Service-Wills Eye Hospital on map: