Traditional medicine is noteveryone's cup of tea, and if you find yourself looking for other options, then acupunctureand holistic medicine could provide viable solutions. In fact, over 3,000U.S. physicians use acupuncture in their clinical practice, making it readilyavailable throughout the country.In Nevada, South Reno Acupunctureoffers natural herbal remedies, acupuncture for back pain, and natural healingmethods for emotional and internal conditions. The practice is run by Dr. Gary Danchak,OMD (Oriental Medical Doctor) who is nationally certified to practice acupuncture and clinical herbologythrough the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and OrientalMedicine.Advocates of acupuncture laud the benefits, as it is a remedy for many ailments,including: lower back, neck, and shoulder pain, arthritis, headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, and gastro-intestinal disorders, among many others.Located in South Reno Athletic Club,the South Reno Acupuncture facility focuses on the patient and their needs.During the first visit, Dr. Danchak takes a comprehensive medical history tomake a customized herb and acupuncture point prescription, and he always startsoff with a conservative treatment in a calm, peaceful setting. And for patients afraid of needles, South Reno Acupuncture offers herbal remedies without involving acupuncture.All of the herbs used at the facility are FDA approved and are of the finestquality. To learn more about the treatmentsoffered at South Reno Acupuncture, call (775) 849-9800 to make an appointment fora consultation or email Dr. Danchak at
[email protected].
Herbalists in Reno, NV
Pain Management in Reno, NV
Holistic Practitioners in Reno, NV
Doctors in Reno, NV
Acupuncture in Reno, NV
Contact information
9393 Gateway Drive, Reno, NV 89521
Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
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South Reno Acupuncture on map: