Cardio Vascular Associates, based in Louisville, Ky., is one of the largest cardiovascular practices in the region. The hospital s cardiologists offer a variety of clinical expertise in all phases of cardiology at two full-time offices in Louisville and more than 10 part-time locations in the Louisville metro area, including Bullitt, Adair and Russell counties in Kentucky. Its practice provides comprehensive diagnosis of heart disease with most every treatment option short of cardiovascular surgery. The hospital has a research staff that includes certified clinical research coordinators who coordinate various research studies under the direction of a Cardio Vascular Associates cardiologist. The research areas include atrial fibrillation, pacemaker implants, myocardial infarction or unstable angina, congestive heart failure, hyperlipidemia and nuclear studies.
Doctors in Louisville, KY
Heart Disease Information & Treatment in Louisville, KY
Cardiology in Louisville, KY
Contact information
6420 Dutchmans Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40205
Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
: 9am-5pm
: 9am-5pm
: 9am-5pm
: 9am-5pm
: 9am-5pm
Relevant MD
Alcohol and Drug Rehab Helpline in Louisville, KY
Dr C J Bisig in Louisville, KY
KORT Tyler Center PT in Louisville, KY
Totalmed Of Louisville LLC in Louisville, KY
Physiotherapy Associates in Louisville, KY
Roof Doctor in Louisville, KY
Basement Doctor in Louisville, KY
Greg W Rennirt, MD in Louisville, KY
Restore Rehabilitation in Louisville, KY
The Cellphone Doctor in Louisville, KY
Louisville Lifestyle Medicine in Louisville, KY
David L Doering MD in Louisville, KY
Norton Cardiovascular Associate on map: