Dr. Felicia L. Dawson is a physician practicing in Atlanta and associated with the Crawford Long Hospital. She specializes in holistic gynecology. The doctor provides patients with a different and unique kind of gynecological services, with an approach that is both steeped in traditional gynecology with an holistic approach that is influenced by Chinese medicine, bodywork, herbal medicine, energy medicine, homeopathy and natureopathy. Mammograms, ultrasounds, diagnostic testing and prescriptions are provided at this practice.  Appointments are required, but walk-ins are welcomed in cases of emergency. The practice is conveniently located about a block away from public transportation (buses and trains).

Category`s Felecia L Dawson MD
Doctors in Atlanta, GA
Ob/Gyn in Atlanta, GA
Birth Centers in Atlanta, GA
Health Services in Atlanta, GA
Contact information
Address: 1 Baltimore Pl Nw, Atlanta, GA 30308
Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
  • Mon : 9am-5pm
  • Tue : 9am-5pm
  • Wed : 9am-5pm
  • Thu : 9am-5pm
  • Fri : 9am-5pm
Relevant MD
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