Dr. Barry Rotman is a practicing physician in Walnut Creek. He specializes in internal medicine. Dr. Rotman practices with a personal approach he calls "concierge medicine." He also practices acupuncture and executive care. Visit Dr. Rotman online for a complete list of services and a detailed biography of the physician. For general inquiries, contact this physician by phone, fax or e-mail.

Category`s Barry L Rotman, MD
Doctors in Walnut Creek, CA
Physicians & Surgeons Information Bureau in Walnut Creek, CA
Internal Medicine in Walnut Creek, CA
Acupuncture in Walnut Creek, CA
Health Services in Walnut Creek, CA
Contact information
Address: 675 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
  • Mon : 9am-5pm
  • Tue : 9am-5pm
  • Wed : 9am-5pm
  • Thu : 9am-5pm
  • Fri : 9am-5pm
Relevant MD
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