This section contains all available information on the Skanchy, Kelly Dean MD, namely, contact details, address, phone number, location on a map and reviews.
On the same page, you can find links to other doctors in the San Diego, CA
Doctors in San Diego, CASports Medicine in San Diego, CA
Contact information
2450 Craven St, San Diego, CA 92136
(619) 556-5936
Opening times
- Mon : 8am-5pm
- Tue : 8am-5pm
- Wed : 8am-5pm
- Thu : 8am-5pm
- Fri : 8am-5pm
Relevant MD
- Jaianand S Sethee M.D. in San Diego, CA
- David Poon M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Jonathan M Siegel M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Nippon Clinic in San Diego, CA
- Gregory R Scott M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Loomba, Rohit MD in San Diego, CA
- Ochi James W MD in San Diego, CA
- Caryl S Reinsch M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Cardiology-UCSD Medicine in San Diego, CA
- Yvonne M Aube M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Ethan I Franke M.D. in San Diego, CA
- Anesthesia Service Medical Group in San Diego, CA