Dr. William T. Vicary specializes in psychiatry at this office for patients throughout the Los Angeles area. This practice offers treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, substance abuse and depression.

Category`s William Vicary, MD
Doctors in Los Angeles, CA
Mental Health Services in Los Angeles, CA
Psychologists in Los Angeles, CA
Psychiatric Treatment Facilities in Los Angeles, CA
Psychiatry in Los Angeles, CA
Contact information
Address: 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W, Los Angeles, CA 90068
Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
  • Mon : 12pm-6pm
  • Tue : 12pm-6pm
  • Wed : 12pm-6pm
  • Thu : 12pm-6pm
  • Fri : 12pm-6pm
Relevant MD
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