This is the private medical practice for QTI Systems, an optician specializing in eyesight and corrective vision. It's located in the heart of Beverly Hills and on the edge of the LACMA-Miracle Mile museum expansion. Its offices are in the famous Flynt Building, which is known to house the publications of Larry Flynt. It also has a selection of designer eyewear by Giorgio Armani, Chanel and Ralph Lauren. It accepts some insurance plans and consultations are free. It offers corrective procedures for poor eyesight with either laser surgery, corrective eyewear and contact lenses.

Optical Goods-Retail in Beverly Hills, CA
Health Services in Beverly Hills, CA
Doctors in Beverly Hills, CA
Optical Goods Retail in Beverly Hills, CA
Contact information
Address: 8484 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Relevant MD
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