Traditional Care With an Integrative Approach.Dr. Nicholas Bujak has provided quality OB-GYN services to predominately lower income women for nearly 10 years in the Phoenix, AZ area. Dr. Bujak is professionally trained and has a superb track record of providing women with a variety of quality medical services. Services include:• Pregnancy • Hormone therapy • Weight management • Contraception and family planning • Fertility • Genetic testing • AHCCCS patients Dr. Bujak truly has a heart for every one of his patients. He understands the necessity of his services in the underserved area where he works. He works individually with everyone in order to form a better understanding of their needs and to take an integrated approach to care and treatment that ensures quality medical service with as little complication as possible.Contact Dr. Nicholas Bujak and his friendly staff and schedule your next appointment today.
Hospitals in Phoenix, AZ
Ob/Gyn in Phoenix, AZ
Family Practice in Phoenix, AZ
Doctors in Phoenix, AZ
General Medical/Surgical in Phoenix, AZ
Contact information
4338 W. Thomas Rd Suite#117, Phoenix, AZ 85031
Check, Mastercard, Visa
Opening times
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
: 8am-5pm
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Nicholas Bujak MD on map: